About Drawbridge
All analyses conducted by Drawbridge Research are based upon the beleif that to take advantage of market mispricing a first principles understanding must be obtained on what a company fundamentally does, the purpose that gives that company a reason to exist, and how that company executes on serving its purpose and function.
Once a first principles understanding is obtained, we believe it becomes possible to discern real world fact from market fiction. A fundamental understanding, coupled with this separation, allows for an evaluation of a company’s inherent value that is not biased by market sentiment.
This approach requires significant qualitative research coupled with a detailed understanding of company financial accounts to understand what attributes drive and protect profitability.
These two parts of Drawbridge’s research approach are not viewed separately by the research team but instead as two interdependent parts of a broad, exhaustive, and complete investment research process.
Price is equally paramount. This means that a company must be priced at a level where it offers significant growth in value, as our goal is to achieve outsized returns, not to simply collect quality companies.
In addition to the upside potential, a company must be attractively priced enough to ensure the preservation of capital in the case our thesis turns out to be wrong.
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